Student of the Week Merit Awards

Friday 26th August

FGAria In recognition of her always staying focused and putting her best effort into learning tasks. The work you produce is fantastic Aria, keep it up! 
FJMorrison In recognition of the interesting and detailed writing he produces. Morrison always adds multiple ideas to his sentences and explores the use of new words. Great writing, Morrison! 
FLOwen In recognition of a being a super bucket filler. You fill everyone’s buckets with your kind words, helpful actions and support every day. Keep it up Owen!
FNYoung In recognition of the time and effort he takes to ensure he is forming his letters correctly when writing. You are doing a great job! Keep it up!  









In recognition of her caring approach to others. Diti continues to demonstrate the school value of ‘respect’ by making sure her fellow students are not left outside playing alone. She takes the initiative to invite them to play with her and constantly demonstrates what a good friend *looks, *sounds and *behaves like. We are so lucky to have a friend like you in 1K Diti!

In recognition of the effort she is putting in to remain focused and complete tasks.Alice has demonstrated what a capable student she is and that she can present beautiful work. Keep it up Alice!

1GHWilliam In recognition of his effort when creating a persuasive piece of writing to persuade his parents to come and watch the production. What an amazing effort William! Keep it up. 
2JRJonah In recognition of doing a great job making interesting contributions during class discussions. Well done Jonah and keep up the great work!
2CMJeremy  In recognition of the informative and persuasive poster he created for the school production. Jeremy you included all the necessary information and use bright colours to attract the viewers eye . Well done 
3EHavish In recognition of his enthusiasm and positive attitude. Havish is constantly showing optimism and resilience in all that he does. Well done Havish!
34BMOlivia In recognition of her enthusiastic approach to all areas of her learning. Olivia, you give 100% in everything you do, willingly contribute your thoughts and ideas in discussions and you have also been demonstrating some excellent leadership skills when completing collaborative group work. Well done!
4JShanaya In recognition of her constantly positive demeanour. Shanaya always has a smile on her face and looks at situations with a ‘glass half full’ attitude. You are a wonderful example to others, Shanaya!




In recognition of the way they have settled into CRPS this term. They are adapting to the classroom routines and trying their best to ensure they are doing the work to the best of their ability. Keep up the great work!
5CBCecilia In recognition of showing persistence and challenging herself with her maths skills. Cecilia, you always approach maths with enthusiasm and willingness to do the best work. Keep up the fantastic effort.
5YJasper In recognition of overcoming difficult circumstances and displaying an excellent attitude whilst completing his “Around the World” cultural exhibition display on taekwondo. Great job, Jasper!
6N6NIn recognition of the hard work put into our daily practices and the amazing effort every student displayed in our whole-school rehearsal. The class put on an unbeatable rendition of “Hit Me With Your Best Shot”. 
6Y6YIn recognition of the hard work put into our daily practices and the inspiring effort the class displayed in our whole-school rehearsal. The class put on an a stellar rendition of “Loyal Brave and True”.



Rishay 5CBIn recognition of his enthusiastic singing and dancing in the “Eye of the Tiger” Production item during Performing Arts. You are a star!        
VISUAL ARTSLivia  FNIn recognition of her vibrant piece demonstrating warm and cool colours in the style of Delaunay



In recognition of the confidence he has displayed when performing the one handed strike. Keep up the great work, Travis!
FRENCHTegan 5CBIn recognition of her beautifully illustrated and accurate picture story book “Autour de Paris”
Specialist Trophy: 5CB for their consistent focus and effort in all specialist classes. Excellent!

Friday 9th September

FGAaron In recognition of his fantastic writing that he has been doing this week. I love reading your creative sentences and seeing you try your best. Keep it up Aaron!
FJAnagha In recognition of how she is always a respectful and eager participant during class discussions. You always share your ideas and ask great questions. Well done, Anagha!
FNArwen In recognition of the leadership she has demonstrated when working with her peers. You came up with a creative way to solve a problem within your group. Keep it up Arwen! 

In recognition of the effort he put into his production recount. He used terrific descriptive language to tap into all our senses.

Super effort Maxx!

1GHJasmineIn recognition of the effort she has been putting in during our writing sessions. You are  trying your very best to sound out the words. Keep up the amazing work Jasmine!
2JRDeclan In recognition of doing a great job drafting a recount about his experience performing in the school production! You are full of wonderful ideas Declan. Keep up the great work!
2CMJiya In recognition of  her expressive performance as Red Riding Hood in her groups play. Great work Jiya.
3EKerrie In recognition of your determination and persistence when working on our sphero chariot challenge. You have used your coding skills and problem-solving abilities to try and complete the challenge track. Keep it up Kerrie!



In recognition of the fantastic effort they put into creating rhyming couplets about their chosen animal and including rhythm, flow and great description. Well done!
4JHongsong In recognition of her outstanding achievements when writing poetry. Hongsong is a natural poet, with skills that most adults would envy. We are in awe of your talent. Well done, Hongsong!



In recognition of the deep thinking you put into your Book Club Text Mood Analysis. You presented your thinking in a clear and cohesive manner, using multiple forms of evidence to support your ideas.  Well done!
5CBAlex In recognition of your listening skills during Book Club and the way you took informative notes each week to be able to write your Book Report. Keep up the great work!
5YZali In recognition of the unique descriptive language she used when writing her ‘Blue’ colour poem. Great job Zali!
6NTarim In recognition of   her descriptive writing snapshot about the clock. Tarim used ‘show, don’t tell’ to great effect and varied the length and structure of her sentences to make the maximum impact. Fantastic writing, Tarim. 







In recognition of the effort and focus he used in his snapshot of the time travel dream. He made the reader feel like they were standing in the picture by describing the setting, both time and place, with specific details. Well done, Jenson!  

In recognition of his ongoing valuable contributions in our weekly book club novel discussions of “Destiny’s Right Hand”. Alex stayed accountable for his time and ensured he finished reading the required chapters, even if it meant extra reading at home. Excellent effort!  

VISUAL ARTSBolen  1GHIn recognition of his excellent Picasso-inspired portrait exploring emotions and using warm and cool colours to emphasise them. Well done, Bolen! The sad eye is particularly expressive.



In recognition of always displaying a positive attitude in all areas of PE. Keep up the terrific work, Rishay. We are all proud of you!
FRENCHRachel  FLIn recognition of always working well in French and for her excellent contributions in whole class discussions.