Principal Message

This week has seen the start of the Higher School Certificate. Our Year 12’s have done very well to handle the exams and their feedback in the main has been positive about the exam papers. Thankfully, any concerns they have had about the relative difficulty of papers has been shared by other schools both here and in other places. This ensures an equity in treatment by NESA which our students deserve. 


Our hope is that Year 12 are amply rewarded for the hard work they have put in over a Covid impacted 2021/22. Best wishes to them. We look forward to seeing them all again for their formal Graduation on 11th November.


As promised our uniform range is complete and ready for roll out to our community. There will be further information coming in the next couple of weeks but I am in a position to present it to you.


You will recall from our consultation survey the “Concept Principles” that were driving our decision making:

The new range is complete and being manufactured. Our shop will open in late November, entry from Kildare Street. There will also be an online option. Remnants of the previous uniform are quickly running out so please avail yourself of them or wait for the new uniform.


You will note the expanded range and flexibility with in the range. No longer is there a Summer and winter uniform specifically. More information this term is coming to outline what the full policy will be for 2023 onwards along with the implementation plan.

We also spoke in our uniform review, and since, of the need to improve standards both for now as a school but also as an educative exercise for the future. The place and frequency of the wearing of sport uniform is still under discussion. We are aware some students are not supporting the rules and have to be having management conversations. 


All students are reminded that wearing sport uniform every day is not an option, unless a student has PDHPE/Sport during that day or it is required for an excursion/field trip, with prior permission. This arrangement is under review, as we have students choosing to not comply with expectations. We need parent support with this please. This is the policy.


Our Student Leaders for 2023 were inducted, along with the blessing of all of Year 12 at our Mass this Monday last, said by Fr Paddy Sykes.  As you will see from the appointments below, we have a range of Portfolio Leaders, aligned with the College Values of Faith, Care, Learning and Justice. This team will be supported by six Year 11 House Vice Captains and six Year 10 House Vice Captains. We are also looking at further student voice through Years 7, 8 and 9, developing a stronger functioning Student Representative Council.

2023 Year 12 Commissioning Mass

on the feast of Saint Luke, The Evangelist


They are a vibrant and impressive team and we look forward to the great work they are going to do in 2023.


All students have been reminded to revisit their learning goals for Term Four and re-establish good habits in preparation for 2023. All Homegroup coaches are checking in with students. I would ask all parents to do the same. The only way a student can sustain a focus on their goals is if both school and home are working together.


The feedback they have been receiving from teachers should be guiding their goal setting, so a revisit of reports and assessments is always a good idea. 


Year 10 are making important decisions about the things that will support their pathways of learning or career going forward. It is a time for them to step up to bridge the gap between Year 10 and what comes next for them. 


Year 11 have the challenges of the Preliminary Year behind them and they are setting goals that will support them right through to the HSC.


As always we welcome your feedback by contacting the College at any time so that we may assist you.