Positive Education

Melanie Sluyters

Last Thursday the College used R U OK Day to remind students and staff about the importance of checking in with one another and asking the question “Are you OK”.  

Around the College we had displays in rooms highlighting ways to check in, ways to ensure listening does occur and how to look after yourself.


In Year 5 Navy, the class had a discussion about the importance of validating tears by respectfully allowing people to release their emotions when they are sad, without being judged or labelled. The class discussed how sometimes the best support you can offer a friend after asking if they are OK is to just sit quietly with them, listen with your heart and allow them to speak their pain. Allow them to reach out if they need a hug. 


In the Year Level gatherings, our Year 7 students worked together to unpack the following questions:

  • How can you make asking R U Ok? part of your everyday?
  • How do you ask R U OK?
  • Who will you ask?

Our Secondary Wellbeing Leaders, Grace Hegarty and Aurelia Albertini, brought awareness to the importance of asking the question RUOK? by setting up a “yellow zone” and playing up beat music as students arrived for the day.

With the support of their Year 10 peers, conversation flowed as they greeted students and distributing yellow ribbons to raise further awareness of the importance of a conversation.  This is a perfect example of a simple idea that has great impact. Seeing the ribbons in students hair reminded us all about the importance of asking the question and also provided an excellent opportunity for primary and secondary students to mingle and feel a part of the Mount Carmel College community.


On the Staff Room noticeboard, there was information advising staff about how best to look after their mental health and how they too can look after their colleagues and mates. 


It is important though that we recognise that we need to not leave asking the question and checking in on people to one day a year but to make it part of who we are.  Please feel free to click on links below that further explain RU OK Day.