Year 8 Obentou

Alex Rodrick

For the third year running, Year 8 students have had the opportunity to take part in an interdisciplinary learning project between the Design and Technologies and the LOTE department.


As part of a Food Unit in Japanese, students studied the culture of おべんとう (obentou), Japanese school lunch boxes. They explored the history, traditions, and philosophy behind obentou. Meanwhile in Design and Technologies, students have been studying Foods of Australia where they have learned about how the Australian diet has evolved through migration and travel. Students were then tasked with not only designing, but also making their own obentou in their Design and Technologies lesson.


Students were given a list of primary ingredients such as rice, nori sheets and lettuce. They then had to select 3-5 additional ingredients, taking into consideration that they included a range of flavours, colours and textures in their final product.


Yet again, Ms Alderdice (Japanese teacher), Ms Rodrick and Miss Foyle (Design and Technologies teachers) were blown away by the students’ creativity. Please enjoy having a look at their final products by scrolling through the photo galleries.