School Tours &
School Tours &
Contact the school to book a tour, ph: 5427 0235. Enrolments for 2023 are open. To enrol, obtain an enrolment pack from the school office or download the enrolment form from the school website. When submitting enrolment forms, please attach a copy of your child's birth certificate and immunisation history. If there are any families of currently enrolled students who have a sibling enrolling in Prep 2023 that have not yet submitted an enrolment form, please submit an enrolment form as soon as possible to assist with planning.
Moving on to Braemar
Could parents who have students moving on to Braemar for Year 5 in 2023 please contact administration here at Newham Primary School in writing to confirm this departure as soon as possible. This will assist us with planning for 2023. Last year we were aware that Braemar made some late Term 4 offers. Please let us know as soon as you accept one of these as well.