Principal's Report
Simone Wood, Principal
Principal's Report
Simone Wood, Principal
Hello Everyone,
Welcome back to Term 4. As our year 6s enter their final term of primary school and prepare for their transition to secondary school, our other students are consolidating their learning for the year.
We launched term 4 with some unexpected environmental education and outdoor investigations… in the form of our very own flood. For those of you curious as to how it all came about, last Friday was what we would call “a perfect storm” of factors. Lots of rain fell quite quickly, with blockages on the adjacent property creating run off that moved in such a way as to wash out some of our tan bark, which our blocked drains and caused flooding on the basketball court, which then entered the main building under the doors.
It was unexpected and quite exciting for everyone at school.
Lots of people need acknowledging for their contribution to our successful management of our flood:
On the day, our students showed resilience, good humour and inventiveness as we shifted up the day’s program. As some students found things worrying, others were great at providing them with reassurance and distraction. Towers and blanket forts were built, paper boats were designed and tested, and there was some engineering of dams. Parents and carers organised earlier pick ups to ease up the pressure on our resources at school. Families brought in towels to help with some mopping up. Students cleaned up the yard, and volunteered to fill sand bags and help out in lots of other ways. The SES and CFA attended to provide support and more sand bags. Tim and Sharon liaised with the department and all the different services needed. They even navigated some media misrepresentation (FYI we did not “close”, but changed up our program). Staff stayed late to clean and organise for the following week.
Over the weekend, our magic maintenance elf snuck in and cleaned up the yard. Sharon organised the experts to assess and tackle the water damage.
This week, more families gave up their time to wield chainsaws and clear debris to mitigate against flooding later in the week.
Our incredible Foundation and 1 / 2 classes showed huge resilience by moving their classroom and routines into other learning spaces while we dry and de-pong their regular classrooms. Alyssa, Sam and Narelle have done an amazing job at making this a smooth transition.
Some lovely families brought baked goods to give the staff more energy. Much appreciated!
A huge acknowledgement to teachers and support staff for their flexibility, resilience and energy through this adventure.
A congratulations to all the community for living up to our values of Unity, Responsibility, Respect and Resilience. Let’s wade on into Term 4!
Rai Jones & Tim Furphy