Important Dates

  Add these to your calendar! 

Event reminders will also be sent out via Compass. 




Thursday 10th: Step Into Prep Transition Session 9.30am

Wednesday 16th: Assembly 2.30pm (Change from Friday this week due to special guests)

Thursday 17th: Camp Information Night 6pm

Thursday 24th: Step Into Prep Transition Session 11.30am

Friday 25th: Assembly 2.30pm

Saturday 26th: State Election (BBQ and Cake Stall at WMPS)

Wednesday 30th: 3-6 Camp (Waratah Bay)




Friday 2nd: Campers return from Waratah Bay (no assembly this week)

Monday 5th - Friday 16th: Whole School Swimming Program 

Friday 9th: Assembly 2.30pm

Tuesday 13th: Statewide Transition Day - Year 6 to 7 

Tuesday 13th: Year 6 Graduation

Wednesday 14th: Cheerleading Group and Choir - Retirement Village Performance

Wednesday 14th: Year 6 Fun Day

Thursday 15th: WMPS Transition Day

Friday 16th: Special Christmas Picnic and Assembly (Picnic 1.45, Assembly 2.30)

Monday 19th: Last day of Term - 3.30pm finish