Performing Arts News

Get ready to look fabulous!


The words may be spoken by the Genie to Aladdin, but in fact, our entire student cast are getting ready to look fabulous! Our senior lead performers have been working hard since late May to learn lines, songs, choreography, blocking of scenes, use of props and set-change technique. Now they are really enjoying the energy and excitement the Prep to Year 5 students are bringing to this week’s combined class item rehearsals, including our first whole school run-through. 

We are very proud here at WPS to have our whole school participating in our musical production of “Aladdin JR” on Tuesday, October 25th. Our combined student cast of over 150 students, performing together in one night, makes our show one of the biggest government primary school casts in Victoria. It also allows our school community to sit together in a state-of-the-art theatre to enjoy and celebrate our students’ successes – not just in the Performing Arts areas of music, dance and drama – but also the important life skills they have developed during the rehearsal journey: teamwork, resilience, confidence, empathy and respect. 




While all costumes will be provided, and there are no special makeup requirements for class items, students will need to wear undergarments suitable for changing in a shared dressing room. Please make sure your child has a singlet top, preferably plain white (though some students will be asked to wear black), and bike shorts, short leggings or skins to wear on the following days:

  • Thursday, October 20th (Class costume fittings)
  • Tuesday, October 25th (Dress rehearsal and Performance at George Wood PAC)

Details about each grade’s hair requirements will soon be available on Compass or by contacting me or your classroom teacher. 

Thank you to the parents who have offered to assist with fitting costumes on Thursday 20th. It would be great to have a few more helpers, so please let me know if you are able to help!


Ticket Sales


Most families have already purchased tickets, but some are still available on the following link:  Aladdin Jr tickets


Dress rehearsal and Performance 


Please note the following important information:

Dress Rehearsal on Tuesday October 25

  • Buses transporting the students to the George Wood Performing Arts Centre, Yarra Valley Grammar, will be leaving WPS just after 9am, so students will need to arrive at school on time.
  • Students will need to wear their school uniforms and their special undergarments for changing in and out of costumes (singlet top & bike shorts/leggings). If your child has purchased an Aladdin WPS tee, they are welcome to wear this on the day instead of their school tees. Please ensure all clothing is named.
  • Please pack a healthy lunch, snack, and large water bottle.
  • Students should wear their hair in the style recommended for their character/class item, if possible.
  • All students will return to WPS by 2.30pm.
  • Please encourage your child to rest and eat a healthy evening meal prior to the show.

Evening performance at George Wood Performing Arts Centre, Tuesday October 25

  • Please assist/remind your child to style their hair in the way suggested, wear their bike shorts and singlets for putting on costumes in group changerooms, bring along additional costume items (if these were requested, eg socks and shoes) and most of all, remind them to enjoy performing!
  • Students need to arrive at the theatre at 6.45pm (Year 5/6 lead cast arrive at 6.30pm). They will meet their teachers at a designated drop-off location outside the changerooms (look for the witches’ hats and your class sign). This will also be the location for pick-up after the performance.
  • Auditorium doors will open from 7.10pm.
  • The performance will commence at 7.30pm and conclude at approximately 9.15pm.


To allow our young cast to feel confident and really enjoy their experience on stage, I kindly request that parents take any unsettled young audience members to the foyer. And while it is tempting to wave and call out to your child, please refrain from doing so as this can have the unintended result of distracting both your child and the other students on stage.


I look forward to seeing you all at the theatre!


Kirsty Wolters

Performing Arts