Hello St Bede’s families –

Welcome back to term 4- and as we know the colour run is not far away!  There’s excitement in the playground with children trying to raise monies for their special prize! There has been a lot of fundraising over the holidays, and we are so proud of the St. Bede’s Community!


Over the holidays we ran a competition, where the CLASS THAT COLLECTIVELY RAISES THE MOST MONEY , on return, in sometime in Term 4, will be able to get a TUCKSHOP TREAT AND A ½ day YES DAY  and we are excited to announce the winner , raising $690 in two weeks , is 3/4R!!!!  ( the ½ yes day will be organised in class at a suitable time, by Ms. Rosalie Silvers- requests must be reasonable and child safe inconjunction with Mr. Brian Grace’s approval!)


A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to all our classes who gave it a great effort. The following was raised by each class over the holidays:

prep L$240
5/6R$ 95



We only have a couple of weeks to raise money and the CLASS THAT RAISES THE MOST MONEY will get a PIZZA CLASS PARTY – the tally board is as follows –

prep L$1010

Our top 4 classes are holding strong – can 1K be knocked off their perch? Who will win this party …we aren’t counting anyone out yet- we’ve been at the school long enough to see the underdogs play their cards at a later stage and kill the win! Who will it be ???




A quick Q & A:-


Is there any other way I can donate money for my child to get a prize?

NO. The prizes are claimed and paid for online with this company. It is part of their system to have this process.


Will MY CHILD be eligible for a prize if they don’t raise money ?

NO. The minimum amount to raise to be eligible for a prize is $10. If you want your child to be presented with their prize at school , please remember to raise money online.


Can my CHILD participate in the RUN if they haven’t donated ?

NO.  There is a cost involved with using the colour, using the company and we do require all students to have made some contribution.  We will confirm the minimum amount soon.


How long is the fun run ?

The run will be held in the afternoon at Myrtle Park and is approx. 1.5 -2hr. More information regarding this will be available in the coming weeks.


When is it again ?

Thursday 20th October !


Do you need volunteers?

YES! YES! YES! – Please contact us if you can volunteer in the afternoon – the more volunteers, the more colour can be thrown safely at the children – they will love it!


Is the colour dangerous?

NO! It is a toxic free water based colour that is 100% safe for children.


What are we fundraising?

All monies raised will continue to help rebuild and redesign the area near the sandpit. 


What does my child wear ?

Your child will need a white/offwhite/light T-shirt to for the colour to be visible.



 We can’t wait for the day – we know it will be a fun afternoon  !


Send out that link to family and friends .






Any questions/concerns please don’t hesitate to contact us -


Catherine (0412 823 076)

 Lisa M.     (0400 178 435 )

Pascal       (0411 029 469 ) 

Viv             (0410 436 696 )