Middle Years 

Minimising Disruptions to Homework


Homework is all about reinforcing what has being taught or learnt in the classroom, along with  indirectly teaching fundamental skills such as time management, organization, task completion, and responsibility. For Middle Years students, completing homework effectively and efficiently is a skill that needs work and practice, particularly how to deal with and miniming disruptions that always arise when completing homework. To help with distractions a good homework and study routine is essential. This includes:

  • Find a quiet and comfortable space to complete homework, ideally at a desk
  • Work in blocks of 20-30minutes with a short break in between. 
  • Make a plan of what you intend to work on (and stick to it).
  • Make sure phones and other devices are in another room (even having it in your pocket causes a distraction).
  • Only use your laptop for homework tasks when absolutely necessary. 
  • Make a routine of only accessing/checking social media at the end of the homework session. Use it as a reward.

Minimising distractions while doing homework means that students can maximise their learning in an efficient way. 



Tuesday 18th Oct - Casual Clothes day

Friday 21st Oct – Speech Day 


Ben Hawthorne

Head of Middle Years