Early Learning Centre

This week we welcomed Emma Gordon to our Early Learning Centre team.  Emma will work on Tuesdays with our Piccino’s for the remainder of the term.  Emma is a highly skilled and passionate early childhood educator and has fit in so well with our little team.  This term will see Mrs Bensch take a leave of absence to prioritise her own health and wellbeing.  She will visit us from time to time, which will be great.  Please make Emma welcome ad we send out love and support to Gabbi.


We also extend our warmest thoughts and condolences to Jessica Hirst, Liam and Poppy and their extended families, on the passing of Liam’s father last week.


Piccolo (ELC3)

There was lots of activity in the sandpit this week with our Piccolo’s.  The addition of the construction hard hats and hi-vis vests facilitated some lovely role-play and dramatic play scripts.  Phrases like “we are builder’s”, “don’t step in our pile Mrs O’Brien!” and “park the trucks up here and we can dig the BIGGEST hole”.  


It was great to see so much engaging play in our indoor environment also.  Our Piccolo’s are doing a lot of work on their social skills at the moment as we notice a lot more dramatic and role-play and smaller group play scenarios playing out.  This is absolutely where we would expect them to be at this time of their development and we are supporting the students to create a learning environment that facilitates this.



Piccino (ELC4)

This term we are focussing our learning intentions on the idea of ‘This is Me!’.  As the children are all preparing for another transition, we want to focus our teaching and learning on who they are in the here and now.  Watch this space as we plan an exhibition at the end of the year so that we can all celebrate the children and who they are now.


Next Thursday 20th October we will attend the Year 12 Myrniong Assembly.  This is such a special assembly as we celebrate those Year 12 students who commenced their learning journey here at Myrniong – there are also a few of our Year 12’s who began at the Early Learning Centre which is extra special.


Our Term Four timetable remains unchanged, Monday – Chinese, Tuesday – Music, Thursday – Art and either Thursday or Friday for library borrowing.


Exciting news too – I am currently working with Nurture by Nature in Warrnambool and planning an end of year Beach Kinder session in Port Fairy.  There will be a small cost associated with this, but more details soon.




A reminder that there is no ELC on Monday 31st October or Tuesday 1st November.  Please mark this in your diary.


Have a great week.


Frances O'Brien

Director – Early Learning Centre