
Pastoral Care

Earlier in the year, all Year 8s completed the Youth Mental Health First Aid training. This week our Year 10s began their Teen Mental Health First Aid training. This will happen over the next three weeks and will involve all Year 10s in developing the literacy and skills to support their peers. The Live4Life Partnership group in conjunction with WDHS have facilitated this important initiative. 



teen | Mental Health First Aid (mhfa.com.au)

“Adolescence is a time of important change and development. It is also the time when mental health problems can first emerge.

During high school years, mental health problems are among the leading courses of falling grades, problems with friends and relationships, substance use or abuse and they can have lifelong impact.

That’s where Mental Health First Aid training can help.

With a focus on improved mental health literacy and early intervention, the peer-to-peer Teen MHFA course is for high school students Years 7-9 and Years 10-12.

The Teen MHFA course is based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experience of mental health problems and professionals. The course equips teenagers with the skills to recognise and respond to a friend who may be experiencing a mental health problem or crisis situation. Using a practical, evidence-based action plan, the Teen MHFA course helps build the confidence needed to support a friend until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves”


Helen Reiher

Head of Senior Years