Dates to Remember 

Friday 14 October

P & F Christmas Cake making

Year 8 & 9 Outdoor Education Excursion - Coleraine Rail Trail Cycling, morning to lunchtime

VCE Science expo

VCE Visual Art Exhibition - 5.30pm (5.00pm - 6.00pm)

Tuesday 18 October

Senior School Casual Clothes Day

Wednesday 19 October

VCAA Performance Examinations to be held at College

Thursday 20 October

Year 12 Boarding Dinner

Year 12 Assembly, 12.30pm

Year 12s that attended Myrniong visit Junior School, 2.00pm (2.00pm - 3.00pm)

Friday 21 October

Year 12 Breakfast, 8.00am

Speech Day, 1.30pm

Saturday 22 October

20 Year reunion