Parents and Friends

A huge thank you to all parents who have given their time this week to assist with the Christmas Cake baking and packaging. It is an enormous venture to bake hundreds of cakes and it has been running smoothly with quite a few laughs along the way and our resident DJ Stacey (Treasurer) providing some 80’s music to keep us all moving! 


Cakes will be available for purchase next week at Tosca Browns, The Roxburgh Café and from the Senior and Junior School Receptions. An amendment to last week’s newsletter: Order forms will not be distributed but direct debit/credit card payment can be arranged with Fi at Reception. 


The P & F will be providing afternoon tea for Senior School Speech day on Friday 21st October. We would be enormously grateful for any donations of slices or cakes to serve on the day. If any parents are able to assist, please let us know by emailing the P & F at before Wednesday 19th October. 


Our P & F meeting on Tuesday night was very productive with some wonderful initiatives discussed. Thank you to those who joined via zoom. I thank my fellow Executive team for their dedication toward this committee; sadly Sarah Baker will be stepping down from her role as Secretary at the end of the year as she and her family are relocating in 2023. Having Sarah as Secretary has been a bit of a coup for us all as she is a marvel at whipping up an agenda, a proposal and some meeting minutes as well as possessing the memory of an elephant - so we will miss her greatly! We invite any questions and expressions of interest in this role to be directed toward myself or other members of the Executive team (Zoe Prince, Stacey Balkin, Sarah Baker). 


Amanda Nagorcka

President Parents and Friends