Catholic Identity

Dear Families,



Let us Pray….               



Year C Sunday 18 September


"You cannot be slaves both of God and of Money."


Preparing to hear God's word

What are some ways that people can serve God?

As you go about your day, how do you show your love for God?


The Gospel Story

In today’s gospel story, Jesus calls the disciples to think about their priorities, about the things that are most important to them. He warns the people that if they focus too much on money and wealth, then they won’t be able to serve God well. Jesus tells the disciples, as he tells us, that we need to make a choice about what is most important in our lives… and we need to put God first.


The Gospel

A reading from the holy Gospel according to Luke 16:10-13


You cannot be slaves both of God and of money.


Jesus said to his disciples:

"Anyone who can be trusted in little matters can also be trusted in important matters.  But anyone who is dishonest in little matters will be dishonest in important matters. If you cannot be trusted with this wicked wealth, who will trust you with true wealth?  And if you cannot be trusted with what belongs to someone else, who will give you something that will be your own?  "You cannot be the slave of two masters.  You will like one more than the other or be more loyal to one than to the other.  You cannot serve God and money."


​​​​​       The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.


Reflecting on the Gospel

Who is God for you? 

Invite the children to share their ideas and images of God.





Class  Liturgies for students in Grades 3-6 will be held early in Term 4 with Fr John - dates to be advised
Wednesday 2nd November All Souls Day Parish Mass - grade 3/4 students to attend - 9.15am
Friday 11th NovemberParish Mass 9.15am - Grade 5/6 students to attend
Friday 25th November

Parish Mass 9.15am - Grades F-2 students to attend

First Week of Advent - Hope - Gr 5/6s  2.30pm Mercy Centre

Sunday 27th November - First week in Advent
Sunday 4th December - Second week in Advent
Friday 2nd DecemberSecond  Week of Advent - Faith - Gr 3/4s  2.30pm Mercy Centre
Thursday 8th DecemberThird Week of Advent - Joy  - Gr 2s  2.30pm Mercy Centre
Friday 9th DecemberEnd of Year Mass - Graduation 9.15am
Sunday 11th December - Third week in Advent
Wednesday 14th DecemberCarols by Candlelight (Tatura) 6 - 8.30pm
Thursday 15th December

Fourth Week of Advent - Peace - Gr F/1s  9.15am Mercy Centre

Student Caroling 2.15 - 3.30pm  (at school)

Sunday 18th December - Fourth week in Advent

Sacramental Program 2022



Throughout 2022 it was a pleasure to co-ordinate and facilitate the school-side of the Sacramental program - in particular the Reconciliation and Confirmation & First Eucharist, Steps in Faith Program.   We had 37 children take part in the program this year:


BAPTISM:   Paige; Kallen; Kane; Mietta; Harlow; Nate; Eva; and Ollie.


RECONCILIATION:     Annie; Albert; Blake; Mietta; Anabella; Sophia; Lucia; Eva; Tyrelle; Evie; Kate; Luca; Leo; Kane; Kallen; Paige; Sebastian; Belle; Harrison; Hamish; and Lucas.


CONFIRMATION & FIRST EUCHARIST: Alexia; Nicholas; Isabella; Amy; Summer; Grace; Eva; Summer; Hugh; Elisa; Kallen; Kane; Ingrid; and Sienna.


We have been blessed to have been a part of these children’s sacramental journey this year.  I would like to take this opportunity to thank Bishop Shane; Father John; the Sacramental Parish Team; Pauline Hindson; Dom Poppa; Sacred Heart Parishioners; school staff and especially the children’s families for their support and prayers throughout the year.


It is a special time for our children and it is important that they understand the gravity of what they are undertaking and it is a credit to you all that the children are able to articulate their particular sacraments this year.  Well done and thankyou!


We had a special Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday with our Parish and school family to celebrate the successful conclusion of the program this year.  The church was a sea of red hearts that the grade 3/4 children had decorated to show the love they receive from God through the Sacraments.  Several of our Sacramental Candidates attended Mass and fully participated in the Mass helping out with different roles.


A very special thank you to all those who attended the Mass or helped out in some way - it made it very special for our Sacramental Children. 

Please continue to keep these children in your prayers.

Prayer for this week


Keep warm, stay well and enjoy the term break holidays!



Debbie Turvey

RE Leader