
Term 4, Week 2 2022


Welcome to Term 4 Art


I hope that everyone is rested after the holidays and enjoying the Spring weather and all the beautiful colours that we see in nature during the Spring months.


Many of the children have told me how much they enjoyed a trip to see the Tessellar Tulip farm with its beautiful array of coloured tulips stretching over the Silvan hillsides.


Other students have been to the NGV and other regional galleries and enjoyed a range of exhibitions. 


A trip to the Van Gogh exhibition at The Lume has been a highlight for many.


Lots of students have been busy doing their own art work during the break and have brought in their work to share.  It is wonderful to see how much pleasure many students get out of doing their own Art work at home and bringing these works in to share with their friends.


A recent unit on Picasso have seen many of our students going home and drawing in a 'Picassoish' style. Terrific to know that children are enjoying Art in their spare time and embracing new ideas and the Art in the world around us.


Well done BPS artists.


Units of Art for Term 4


Term four is a long and busy term and a lot of creative activities have been planned for our various levels. 


Supporting the skills that the children are developing, students of all levels are regularly introduced to the works of many Artists that are part of our Art History.


Here are a few of the Units that we are doing this term:


*Puppets, Mask making and Big Personalities! - Collage, drawing and painting.


*Marvelous Matisse and the world of giant coloured paper cutouts. Using complimentary colours for contrast with opposites in shapes


*Collage creations – how we can use papers and card to create artworks using a wide range of skills


*Portraiture – Picasso, Leonardo de Vinci, Edvard Munch, portraits, profiles, classic proportions, distortion, ‘Expressionism’


*Portraiture - Expression, gesture, mood and emotions created through line, proportion, colour, form and emphasis: Acrylic paint sticks, pastels


*Focus on line and the work of Paul Klee. Architectural adventures, negative and positive shapes and forms, fluidity of line and colour highlights for emphasis.


*Threads and Textiles: Weaving, fabric collage, colours, textures and fabric designs


*Modelling and 3D construction, making and joining skills, papier mache, air dry clay, painting and varnishing - imaginary creatures, favourite small animals, individual creations


*Grade Six special end of year activities


*End of year Christmas activities


A busy, creative and exciting term is ahead of us in the BPS Old School Art Studio.


Best wishes,

Mrs D

Art Teacher

Specialist Programs Coordinator BPS