Religious Education News

From the writings of Mary MacKillop
Be obedient in heart and deed.
Mary MacKillop 1878
Weekly Parish Bulletin
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, YEAR C
All Saints Day Mass
The school will be participating in the All Saints Day Mass on Tuesday the 1st of November. Mass will be at 9 am and a number of the children will be taking an active part in the liturgy.
Catholic Mission SOCKTOBER
We will be taking part in the SOCKTOBER campaign in Term 4. We are partnering with Catholic Mission to invite our students to connect with young people experiencing challenges in the developing world through education and the world game of soccer.
This year, our collective fundraising efforts will support vulnerable children in Ethiopia who are experiencing food insecurity and malnutrition. One example of what we are supporting is the Deberety Farm project in Emdibir, four hours from the capital, which aims to address these issues, primarily by raising goats that produce life-giving milk for infants who are most at risk.
Our Mini Vinnies will view the support material and plan our Catholic Mission fundraising event on Thursday the 27th of October.
The focus of the learning and fundraising efforts that the students will carry out throughout the month of October, known as World Mission Month, is a farming project in rural Ethiopia, where families grapple with the issues of food insecurity and malnutrition.
One of the first goals for students is to make a “sockball” – a makeshift soccer ball made of recycled materials like old socks. The activity helps students understand the reality of children who cannot afford high-quality balls found in schools across Australia.
Socktober 2022 Goal
We have set up an online fundraising page for you to donate on behalf of the children at St Joseph's.
Use this link or click below to donate:
We look forward to you supporting us.
A number of our students have expressed a desire to be baptised. They have expressed this throughout the year and have wanted to know more about the Catholic faith and how to follow Jesus more deeply.
In consultation with Father Thaddeus, we would like to prepare these children for Baptism in Term 4. Baptism is the first Sacrament of Initiation in our Catholic Faith. The other two are First Holy Communion and Confirmation.
The Sacrament of Penance (Reconciliation or Confession) is usually received before First Holy Communion. We will be offering the Sacrament of Penance in Term 1 2023 and First Holy Communion in Term 2 2023 to coincide with the feast of Corpus Christi in June.
God bless you and keep you safe.
Joe Dimech
Religious Education Co-ordinator