Principal's News

My eight years of principal at St Joseph's Warialda have come to an end. I have accepted a leadership position at St. Nicholas Primary School Tamworth, commencing in 2023. I am humbled to have led the school through the challenges of recent years; the drought, COVID-19, the mice plague and fluctuating enrolments. I thank the Catholic Schools Office Armidale, Director Chris Smyth, school consultants and leadership staff for entrusting St Joseph's to my care.
I am proud to hand over our school to the next principal with growing enrolments, strong student academic growth, with healthy finances and excellent resources like our well-stocked library and an iPad and Chromebook for every student. CSO is in the process of recruiting the next principal.
I have worked steadfastly with Frs Thaddeus, Joseph, Abmar and Bernie to build relationships between the school and our parish and am proud to end the year preparing seven students for their Baptism.
It has been a hard decision to leave Warialda. Looking after my parents and losing them within the space of two years has been a life-changing experience that I would willingly do over again. The time has come to hand over to another principal and to be closer to my family in Sydney. I will visit Warialda periodically to tend to my parents' grave and catch up with families and friends in town.
Annual CRP Staff PD Day
The staff undertook CPR recertification at the start of the term. Fr Thaddeus dropped by to have a look and ended up being assessed for CPR and the AED. Well done, Fr Thaddeus!
End Of Year Mass and Presentation
The staff have been planning for the End of Year Presentation. We have chosen Thursday the 15th of December with events being held during the day to accommodate families and staff who live a distance from Warialda.
At this stage the day will be:
11:30 am Graduation and End of Year Mass in the Church
12:30 pm Presentation Lunch under the COLA
1:30 pm Prize Giving, Speeches and Presentation Performance
3:00 pm Home
Further information will be in the next newsletters regarding invitations, catering and costumes for the children.
Head Lice
Unfortunately, the head lice are back due to the warm weather.
Please check your children's hair and treat it if necessary.
We have put measures in place at school to try and keep our children head lice-free. These include:
- no sharing of hats (even between siblings)
- recommending children with long hair to have their hair tied back
- avoiding close physical contact.
Remember prevention is better than cure.
If your child does happen to become infected with Head Lice and you need help with treating your child please contact the school and we can work together to combat the issue.
Headlice Treatmentprocedures.
Summer Uniform and School Shoes
A reminder that the children are to wear black school shoes and not joggers as per school uniform policy.
Inverell Legacy President's Luncheon Wrap Up
Jada, Harrison and Winter represented St Joseph's at the Inverell Legacy President's Luncheon last Sunday. They saw some ANZAC memorabilia in the RSM club and listened patiently to speeches and replies. They also listened to an interesting talk by Dr Kerry Neal (curator from the National War Memorial in Canberra). She wrote her PhD on facial injuries of WWI soldiers and shared how our troops have communicated with their families throughout the conflicts that our troops have served in.
God bless,
Joe Dimech