STEM Report

Term 4 in STEM

Hi everyone, we have made it through to the end of another year. I would like to thank all of the students who have contributed to helping out and participating in STEM this semester. It has been great to get back into routine and have a full year in the classroom. 


This term, we were finally able to compete in our first Lego League challenge and I want to congratulate the students who traveled along with us to Swinburne University for the competition. They were a real credit to our school and displayed great confidence and respect when interacting with the judges and other schools. As a bonus to competing, we even exceeded our expectations, scoring nearly double our points goal. Next year, we hope to bring more experience and climb even higher up the leader board.  A big thank you to Mr Hanson and Cody for helping out, without them we would never have made it.


Let's face it, the weather hasn't been kind to us this term, but the grade 1/2s took advantage of what little clear sky we had and ventured outside into our outdoor STEM area to explore our topic on Water.  It was great to take learning outside the classroom and the students really enjoyed dipping their hands into this activity ;).



Finally, I'd like to wish everyone a safe, happy holiday and look forward to a fresh new STEM year in 2023. Take Care.


Tony Faltiska