OSHC News 

Talent and Social Inclusion Week at OSHC

Last week at OSHC was talent week and we saw many amazing talents come out to shine! The junior’s sung some karaoke, middle's showed off their skills whilst filming in slow motion (which they then presented to the whole group later in the afternoon), and the primaries did a debate club. The primary children debated funny topics such as “summer is better than winter” and “November is too early to set up your Christmas tree”. 


Nationally this week is Social Inclusion Week! Whilst promoting large group games in the afternoon for all children, each age group focused on their own activities for the start of each afternoon. The juniors played tug of war and the middles reflected on what social inclusion means to them. The primary group played group games whilst eating their afternoon snacks, such as mafia, the wink game, and group challenges involving water balloons! 

Carpark Reminder

Just a reminder that under no circumstances should parents’ cars be driven into school property. This is for any time of the day, and all-weather conditions. This is due to safety concerns to ensure that no children are walking through the carpark with reversing cars and to avoid congestion with school and OSHC staff arriving/leaving for the day. 


There is ample parking available on Magill Road, so please park there and enter via the gate and pathway when dropping off or collecting your child/ren from OSHC. 


OSHC Opening Times

Before School Care: 7:00am - 8:45am

After School Care: 3:05pm - 6:15pm

Vacation Care & Student Free Days: 7:30am - 6:00pm


OSHC is Closed on Public Holidays


2022 Fee 

Before School Care: $12.00

After School Care: $21.00


Absent Text Number 0418994032

Please include: Child/Children's full name, Date and Session time they aren't attending


OSHC Parent Handbook https://www.magillschool.sa.edu.au/uploads/files/parents/A5_2021_%202022%20OSHC%20Parent%20Handbook.pdf