Leadership Report

Who can believe it's the end of Week 6 already! The term is speeding along, with Sports Day in the first week a distant memory now. Before we know it we will be immersed in end-of-year celebrations.
This week was a special week at Magill School as we welcomed the newest members of our school community for the very first time. Our 2023 incoming Reception students had their first visit to Magill School, as incoming students and spent time in classrooms with teachers, support staff and our Student Leadership group. The nervous excitement and enthusiasm for the journey they are about to embark on was infectious and reminded me of the pivotal role our school community plays in the development of the young people in our care.
We look forward to working with families as we embark on the learning journey through the primary years. In that time your child will develop from a school starter to a school leaver, will make friends, face challenges in social and learning situations, build their problem-solving capabilities and demonstrate what they can achieve when they put their mind to something.
They will be encouraged to think outside the square, to try new things, and to push themselves in positive ways. There will of course be challenges to overcome, difficulties with friendships, and times when it doesn't go to plan. These challenges and disappointments are part of learning, and while no parent likes to see their child upset, it's actually a very important part of the learning journey. It's through these challenges that your child will develop resilience and problem-solving skills they will utilise well into the future, and well beyond their time at Magill School.
This past week my eldest son graduated from high school, completing Year 12 and ending a 13-year relationship with primary and secondary education. Was the road a smooth one? No. Was it the journey I had envisioned when he began school? No. Did he (and me) survive? Absolutely! At the end of his learning journey, he has developed into a resilient, responsible, empathetic and caring young man, who uses his experiences and the skills he's learned along the way to inform his decision-making processes.
In a term where we welcome new students and farewell our oldest students, I'm constantly reflecting on the role our school plays. At Magill School, we're here for the journey, with a focus on developing young people to become active and thoughtful citizens in a global community - and we love it!
Kasey Thorne
Assistant Principal