From the Chaplain

The Year Eleven Certificate IV Business class completed their seventh unit for the year.  They will continue the other five units next year. The last unit they did was the communication unit where they had to: 

  • Deliver a PowerPoint presentation about the different types of communication and how we can improve these while we are here at GSG. 
  • Complete an agenda and email it out to invite everyone to the presentation. 
  • Create a meeting plan where they include how they would communicate with different people in the class using their DISC profiles.  Here, the students completed a quiz to see which DISC style they were,  Dominant, Influencer, Conscientious and Steadier. If you would like to see what you are, use this address: 
  • In partners, shared a communication game with the Year Three students. 

The students did a great job of making a fun morning for the Year Three students with games such as: Chinese whispers, paper plane making, action whispers, describing what you can feel in the box, charades, spot-the -difference and back-to-back drawing. I love watching the interactions between them all. The Year Elevens don’t realise how much the younger students look up to them and appreciate them hanging out with them. 

Here are some of the comments from the Year Threes: 

  • Samantha: Lucas was kind as he gave me his chocolate bar when mine went missing. I loved Chinese Whispers as I was at the end and I got the right answer.
  • Oliver S: It was fun.  I liked the paper plane game best.  Some games were a bit hard to play.
  • Jessica: It was a good activity about communication with good team playing games. I liked the spot-the-difference challenge.

Mrs Naomi Cooper | Chaplain