From the Principal's desk 

What a great turnout for Family Fun Night! We are so grateful that we can do these things as a community again. A huge thank you goes out to Michelle, who planned and choreographed all our students to be performance ready -  your efforts are greatly appreciated. To all our teaching staff, P&F and families who volunteered their time to make the night happen, thank you - without you all, nights like this wouldn't be as special. Lastly, a huge congratulations to all our students who did such a fantastic job with their performances. We hope you all enjoyed having a bite to eat and participating in the fun activities.


A reminder to all families that we are a Sun Smart School. This means that your child MUST have a broad-brimmed hat to protect them from harmful rays, No Hat = No Play. If your child does not have a hat, Mensland in Numurkah have plenty in stock.