From the Principal

There is little doubt that living as a Christian in the world today is a bit like swimming against the tide of cultural and social change that is putting pressure on how we live together.  This should not be surprising when we look at the foundations of the worldviews that appear to be rising in popularity in the western world.


These worldviews can best be described as humanist and rationalist worldviews.


A humanist worldview would answer the 4 key worldview questions of 

  • Who are we? 
  • Where are we? 
  • What’s the problem? 
  • What’s the Solution? 

in this way.

  • WHO - We are a highly evolved animal. We have been programmed by evolution to selfishly seek our own survival.
  • WHERE - This is a valueless natural world.  In fact the physical world is all there is. Goodness and evil are just illusions. It is a world where only the fittest should survive.
  • PROBLEM - The problem is that religion, faith and superstition thwart the inevitable triumph of science and humanity.
  • SOLUTION - The solution is that we must believe in science and the capacity of humanity.  This will bring freedom and enlightenment to the world 

From this perspective it is quite understandable that a progressive secularist worldview would want to be rid of any semblance of religious belief and faith in God.  Perhaps even more bluntly, this world view would conclude that the Christian’s Biblical worldview needs to be removed the public discourse in society. 


You only need to look at the types of legislation that are being presented to our parliament that, if passed without amendment, will limit the freedoms and protections that have been pillars of the sort of society we have grown to know and appreciate in our multi-cultural and pluralistic society of Australia. 


I heard this description of the role of government recently that caught my attention as it reflects my thoughts accurately.

 If the role of government at its best is to aid human flourishing, and to do so with a light hand, allowing medicating institutions to determine the course they set in line with the realities that pre-date and take precedence over government, then government at its worst is defined by an overreach that seeks to legislate its own redefinitions of reality, and to enforce these redefinitions in a manner hostile to alternate ethical communities that refuse such redefinitions in their philosophy and practice. 

At LCS we strive to honour this principle within the understanding that parents have engaged in a partnership with us to aid the flourishing of their children, their family, peer groups, with a broader common benefit for society in general. 


At the heart of this at LCS is the intentional teaching and leading with God’s truth as the guide to living together as brothers and sisters in unity.  The great benefit of this is relying on a stable source of truth that never changes, and can be relied on because of the source from which it comes, the spirit filled word of God.


This looks different according to the year levels, the maturity of students, the learning area.  One area that we also try to speak wisdom into is helping parents navigate the passage of life for school age children.  The sexualization of our culture is one of these challenges.


The this end, we had Melinda Tankard Reist and Daniel Principe conduct workshops with our Year 9 ‘The Rite Journey’ students. Melinda is staying in Tasmania this past weekend so that she will be able to spend an evening with parents and broader community members.  I strongly encourage our parents to make the effort to come along and listen to what Melinda has to say about this important topic.


It was good to hear the feedback from both Melinda and Daniel that it appeared to them that LCS has broken the ground so that messages they have are well received and the students were able to respond with discernment, wisdom and maturity.


Tonight’s parent forum is an ideal opportunity for parents to broaden their understanding, enrich their responses to challenges they and their children face and sharpen their awareness of how to support their children in the journey through adolescence in this turbulent time of their lives, especially when there are so many competing voices pulling in opposite directions. 


Often I hear parents requesting more help in this area and this evening, on Monday 28th November at 7:00pm at Riverbank Christian Church Auditorium is one such great opportunity.  Please consider coming along to this free event.


For clarity, I’d like to give you what I understand to be the Biblical Worldview that underpins the foundation of LCS and resonates with the school’s motto of “In Christ, Wisdom & Knowledge”.

  •  WHO – I have been made by the sovereign creator God.  I’ve been made in His image.  I am not random and without purpose.
  • WHERE – I am living in a world created by God. His creation is beautiful, majestic, intricate and profoundly ‘good’.  This not only includes nature but cultural elements like family, music, justice, innovation, leadership, etc.
  • PROBLEM – Mankind has not trusted in God’s goodness, provision and Lordship.  This has resulted in a damaged relationship and a distortion in the good order of creation. Death now plagues His people and the creation.
  • SOLUTION – In His mercy, God provides the remedy. He enters the creation as a man – Jesus Christ.  Death and broken relationship with His people is dealt with.  The resurrection brings reconciliation to relationship and renewal. 

In our New Parent Induction Courses I share a video (with permission) of a this worldview.  The video is called the ‘Story of Reality’.


On a similar, but different tangent, I participated in the National Prayer Breakfast this morning and listened to a moving address by Peter Gibbs.  This can be viewed here.  Peter is a proud Gamillaroi man and spoke powerfully about how God intervened in his life and saved him from himself to find Jesus Christ.  You can view the whole breakfast broadcast here.  Peter Gibbs’ address is from 39:40 - 1:00:25.  I found it a really encouraging time to hear our parliament praying for our country.  One concluding remark was made that was a solemn and yet encouraging reminder from 2 Chronicles 7:14 which says: if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.


Blessings AB