School Uniform
School uniforms are valued as a way to create a sense of belonging and school pride. A school uniform also shifts students’ focus (especially teens) away from physical appearance and fashion, and onto learning. They also act as an identifying tool for staff at Greater Shepparton Secondary College, helping to keep our our college safe.
At present we are seeing many students arriving to school out of uniform. We acknowledged the impact of the recent floods and accordingly adjusted the uniform expectations, offering assistance to ensure students had all items.
If you missed this opportunity to seek uniform support, please reach out to your child’s House Leader.
Next week our House meeting focus will be on uniform. We are asking for parent support in ensuring your child attends in full school uniform every day.
Finally, we would like to encourage you to donate any uniform items that your child might have outgrown. Some items were donated after the floods and these items have been very gratefully received by students and families in need.