NAPLAN Results
Dear parents/carers
The 2022 NAPLAN national results have been published. Of course, NAPLAN results are not everything. They focus on two particular aspects of learning – literacy and numeracy – not the full range of knowledge, skills and attributes that we seek to develop in our students. While not everything, they are one important measure we can use to assess the progress of our school, and the learning of Victorian students relative to their peers across Australia.
Our key focus is on each of our individual students but you may also be interested in what the NAPLAN results show about Victorian schools overall. The Department of Education and Training has analysed the results for Victoria, and found that Victorian students have achieved some of our highest results ever, maintaining our place as one of the highest performing jurisdictions, along with NSW and ACT.
For example, in 2022, Victorian Year 3 students achieved their best ever Reading results and were again the strongest readers in the country. Indeed, Victorian students performed particularly strongly at the primary level, with Victoria ranked first or second on eight out of ten NAPLAN assessments, including all five assessments at Year 3.
There was also pleasing evidence of improvement at the secondary level, with the 2022 cohort recording the equal highest proportion ever of Victorian Year 9 students achieving in the top two bands of Reading. Writing results also showed improvement across Years 5, 7 and 9 students.
I do want to take a moment to recognise these achievements and acknowledge the very hard work of not only the teachers and staff in our school but in all schools across Victoria, especially given the substantial challenges of the last two years. That said, the department has identified areas where further work is needed. These priority areas for improvement are shared with other states and territories facing similar challenges, such as lifting numeracy results.
My comments on these overall results don’t change the fact that we will continue to work together with you to do all we can to ensure every one of our students have a strong sense of belonging and connection to our school and that we continue to help each one reach their full potential.
Thank you for all your support and all the work that you do to help us ensure that our school, and Victoria as a whole, is one of the best places for children to learn.
Barbara O'Brien
Executive Principal