Senior Years
With the conclusion of the Unit ¾ examinations, many of our Year 11’s have had a taste of what it is like to sit a formal VCE Exam. This is such a valuable experience and gives students the opportunity to practice under the very strict conditions of the VCAA. It is also an incredibly important lesson in time management and reading the questions carefully. We wish each and every student who has sat the examinations all the very best.
The Year 9-11 examinations are also coming up and students are preparing and developing their study notes so that they can perform at their best. The Year 11 results are increasingly more important as they are often the basis of an early university offer. If students are applying through the early entry scheme, universities are gathering information from students Year 11 reports as an indicator of their suitability to study and succeed in their chosen courses.
Step Up will occur after the examinations and students will be in their new classes, with their new teachers and new curriculum. The expectation will be that students use this time to get a head start on the work for 2023. New Year 12 classes will have holiday homework set, with the expectation that this is completed before students return in late January. Step Up is an exciting time and we are hopeful that students will be pleased with their new courses and excited for the new year ahead.
The Year 12s of 2023 will even ‘step up’ into the new Year 12 room and will begin their Career sessions.
Helen Reiher
Head of Senior Years