Parents and Friends
Thank you to all, of the parents who provided second-hand uniforms for our sale today.
We have had a wonderful response and many high-quality items were provided for purchase. Thank you to the parents who volunteered to help organise the sale.
Our next second-hand uniform sale will be at the Senior School on Thursday 8 December. We will be collecting uniforms from 5 December onwards, please drop these off with clear instructions (name, price of P&F donation) at the Senior School Reception.
Our Christmas cakes are selling fast, they are available from both Senior and Junior School Receptions and from the Roxburgh Cafe or Tosca Browns.
The annual Old Fashioned Sports Day will be held on the Myrniong Oval on the last day of school, Tuesday 13 December and we would love for parents to be involved in the competitions. This is for all parents (Junior and Senior), and we would love for you to come along to get involved.
Amanda Nagorcka
President Parents and Friends