Level 3/4

It’s been another fabulous few weeks in Years 3 and 4! Here are some of the wonderful things we have been up to!
The whole school have been busy working on their persuasive speeches ready for our public speaking competition. The Year 3s and 4s have been working on the topic ‘If I Ruled the World’. It’s been wonderful to see the students implement so many persuasive devices and techniques from our writing lessons in their speeches. The students spent lots of time practicing and every student had the opportunity to present their speech to the class. Each Year 3 and 4 class chose students to represent them across the year levels, and last Wednesday we all gathered to hear those chosen students in the gym. We are so proud of the wonderful efforts of all students in presenting some truly phenomenal speeches. Nina from 4T was chosen as our representative for Rangeview for the Year 3s and 4s, and we wish her all the best as she competes at Mount Pleasant Road PS this week.
Last week we had some players and staff from the South East Melbourne Phoenix come to run a basketball clinic for us. We had lots of fun learning some new skills and meeting some of the players!
Over the last few weeks we have been working on designing and building our own boats. We have been using ‘STEM’ (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) principles and working through the design process. We’ve had lots of fun using our designs to build our boats and last week we put them to the test! We checked to see whether or not they would float when put in water, and also checked to see how much weight our boats would hold before they went under! It was great to put our designs to the ultimate test.
We thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the Oktoberfest celebrations last week – be sure to tune into updates from Frau Lindner and Frau Taylor for more information on this fabulous day!
Year 3 and 4 sport is up and running! We have had a few battles with the rain over the past few weeks, but it has been great to get together and try out different sports and games and to put our teamwork and sportsmanship skills to work.
In our Respectful Relationships sessions we have been looking at stereotypes. We have discovered a lot of fairytales and advertisements that suggest boys and girls should like particular things or act in certain ways. It’s brought about some fabulous and passionate discussions about challenging these stereotypes and embracing our own unique interests, likes and hobbies.
Level 3 & 4 Teachers