Teaching and Learning

Oktoberfest 2022
Our much anticipated Oktoberfest celebration took place on Thursday 27th October. Students were immersed in German culture and cuisine and some incredible costumes were on display. A huge thank you to Frau Lindner, Frau Taylor and Frau Kent for organising such a fabulous day of fun and learning for all.
Level 2 Sleepover
How do you convert classrooms and libraries into bedrooms? ........ Have a Level 2 Sleepover!
The Level 2 Sleepover took place on Friday 28th October. From sleeping bags, to pizza to PJs.....How cosy did our school look!
Foundation Botanical Gardens Excursion
In Term 4, our Foundation students have been learning all about 'Plants and Gardens' as part of their inquiry unit. A visit to the Royal Botanical Gardens on Wednesday 2nd November was a perfect opportunity for students to explore the beautiful surroundings and learn while having an amazing time.
Leaving Rangeview at the End of the Year
Remember to download your child's reports by 27th December 2022
It is always sad to see our Level 6 students finish at Rangeview at the end of the year. We also say goodbye to other students in other levels and we wish them well at their future schools.
If your child is exiting at the end of the year, please ensure you have downloaded all student reports from Compass by Tuesday 27th December 2022. After this date, there will be no access to the Compass platform.
Contacting Your Child at School
It is important that our students are kept safe when working online. Students are not permitted to use their iPads to message or email while at school.
Could we please ask that parents do not contact their children throughout the school day on their iPad. This is disruptive to learning and goes against the iPad user agreement.
We thank you for your understanding. If you need to get in touch with your child, please phone the school office on 9874 6381.
Car Park Safety
Cars and children do not mix and students are not permitted in the car park at any time, unless supervised by an adult. At Rangeview we ask that students always walk on the pathways provided. Could we please ask that when you walk your children to and from school you do not walk through the car park, but instead use the paths and crossing. This will greatly assist in teaching the children to be safe around cars and to understand the safety rules.
Kate McLeod
Assistant Principal