Level 1

We hope all families managed to slow down a bit over the long weekend. The children came back last week ready and raring to go!
What a wonderful time we had celebrating Oktoberfest! The children experienced craft activities and games and enjoyed eating pancakes!
As a Level, we immersed ourselves in all celebrations and loved hearing from the children during Show and Tell, as they shared some of their own family traditions and celebrations.
We also reflected on Diwali and made lanterns to mark this festival of lights.
During Reading we have continued to explore various reading strategies to improve fluency and expand our vocabulary. During Writing, we enjoyed writing Recounts about Oktoberfest and the long weekend, starting our sentences with words such as First, Next, Then and Finally. We are looking forward to continuing on with our Persuasive writing in the coming weeks.
Our Mathematics focus has been on Fractions and the students have been consolidating their knowledge of fractions of a whole and fractions of a group. Many of the students made fraction flowers, showing the colours of the petals as fractions.
We have now completed our 20-day Kindness Challenge and are looking forward to presenting our favourite kindness activities for Show and Tell over the coming weeks.
The Level 1 Team
Nicole Robertson and Megan Taylor (1R), Kyla Petrilli (1GP), Danielle Anderson (1A) and Rebecca McJannet (1M)