
Happy Oktoberfest! What a great day we had, immersed in all things German. We started the day all dressed up, with an engaging assembly where we heard from the ‘BAKED’ band signing ‘99 Luftballoons’, choirs performed, whole school song and dance and the best dressed parade! Students then participated in 3 rotations-cooking, craft and party games! We also enjoyed some delicious pretzels and gingerbread cookies. It was a wonderful day filled with lots of fun and excitement!
Congratulations to the students who presented their speech for the whole of Foundation on our topic of ‘The best thing about being me…’. It was very brave to get up in front of all of your peers and you all did a great job. We look forward to sending one student through to the Public Speaking Competition at Mt Pleasant Rd Primary School next Tuesday 8th of November.
Our excursion to the Botanic Gardens was filled with small amounts of…rain! This didn’t stop us. We headed into the city with gumboots and raincoats in tow and made the most of this spectacular place. The children embraced the different activities including, ochre painting, exploring the sights and scenery of the gardens, potting their own seedling and making their own potpourri. What a fantastic way to learn about the types of plants, various garden spaces and caring for Country. Thank you to all of the parent helpers for assisting on the day. It was a great day of learning!
Have a great week!
Foundation Team
Miss Bell, Miss Bonte, Mrs Keramidas and Ms Wilson