
Deutsch für die Zukunft
(German for the Future)
Rangeview Oktoberfest 2022
On Thursday, 27th October the whole school celebrated the Rangeview Oktoberfest 2022.
The students and staff were asked to dress up in either the traditional Bavarian costumes (‘Dirndlkleid & Lederhose’), the German flag colours (black, red, gold/yellow) or the Bavarian flag colours (blue and white).
The two ‘Best Dressed’ students of each class proudly displayed their costumes at the Best Dressed Parade.
We had wonderful performances from:
- The Grade 2 choir, who sang ‘Flieger’ (Plane)
- The Senior choir, who sang ‘Lichterkinder’ (Children of the Light)
- The visiting Band ‘Baked’, who performed the famous German song ‘99 Luftballons’
- The Foundation dance, ‘Brüderchen, komm tanz mit mir’.
As a whole-school celebration, we joined in together by singing and dancing to:
- ‘Das Fliegerlied’ (The Plane song)
- ‘Tanz mit mir in Lederhosen’ (Come dance with me in leather pants)
During the school day students rotated in multi-age groups participating in three different rotation activities:
- ‘Pfannkuchen backen’ – cooking pancakes
- ‘Deutsche Partyspiele’ – German party games
- ‘Lebkuchenherzen basteln’ – making gingerbread hearts out of cardboard
Students who had previously ordered their real gingerbread hearts (‘Lebkuchenherzen’) and pretzels (‘Brezeln’) also received those on the day as a special treat.
Thank you again to our wonderful Parents & Friends Committee for organising these special food items, to the all the teachers for conducting the rotation activities and to our talented and diligent Library Technician, Lynette Ellis, for organising the multi-age groups. A big ‘Danke schön’ also to our German Captain, Tilly, for helping to host the Oktoberfest assembly.
We hope you all enjoyed a ‘fantastisch’ Oktoberfest day!
Frau Lindner, Frau Taylor & Frau Kent
Viel Spaß und Vergnügen!
Should you have any queries about how to best support your child’s German language development, we would love to hear from you.
Frau Ulrike Lindner Frau Megan Taylor
Frau Sophia Kent