Foundation Report

The Foundation students were very excited in week 5 when CERES came to our school for our Towards Zero Waste incursion. We had so much fun learning all about how to be 6R Superheroes to help our earth be clean and healthy.
The 6 Rs are:
- Rethink: Think about what your using
- Refuse: Say no to using things that can create waste when you can
- Reduce: Try to use less waste where possible
- Reuse: Think about how you can use things again or in a different way
- Rot: Put your food waste and scraps in compost bins
- Recycle: Metal, glass, paper, cardboard, hard plastics and soft plastics can all be recycled but might need to be sorted.
Over the next few weeks we are going to be looking into how we can follow the 6Rs to reduce waste in our classrooms and across the school.