2023 Orientation & Transition

2023 Transition planning is underway! This year, we have refined our class creation process to ensure balanced and equitable classes that lead to the best possible learning opportunities for all students. Information on this process can be located on the News Feed on Compass.
Currently, we are drafting classes for 2023, based on each individual child's needs. This is an extremely delicate and tedious process as we work to meet the needs of all students. Once this is complete, we will finalise the 2023 Professional Teaching Teams and assign teachers to classes.
2023 Foundation - Year 6 Orientation:
Students and families will be informed of 2023 Class Allocations on Tuesday 13th December. On this day, students will meet their 2023 class and teacher by participating in an Orientation session. This session is an opportunity for students to meet their new teachers, and have a taste of the year ahead. The sessions are deliberately designed to create a positive transition experience. On this day, students will take home a note informing their parents & guardians of their 2023 teacher, class and room allocation.
2023 Year 7 Orientation:
Supporting students transitioning to Year 7 in 2023 has been a shared priority for primary and secondary schools. Our Year 5/6 teachers have met with all local Secondary Schools to provide information and plan a supportive transition for all students. Tuesday 13th December is a state-wide transition day for 2023 Year 7 students. The aim is to promote enthusiasm and positive participation for secondary education in Year 6 students.