Specialist Report

Specialist Showcase
On Tuesday 25th October the Art, STEM and Library was transformed by a blast of colours from the students artwork and Japanese work. There were hanging koi fish kites from the Foundation students, glowing mushrooms in the glow room from Year 1/2 students, bee collages and sculptures from Year 3/4 students, needle felting landscapes and portraits from Year 5/6, and so much more! In the Japanese area there were little vocabulary books, videos of the students talking and manga character drawings. Another highlight was the finalists from Abers Got Talent also performed and kept the rain at bay.
Thank you to all the families who came down, we met not only mums and dads, but grandparents, and aunts and uncles.
We could not have done this without the help from our parent helpers, thank you to all the parents who came into the art room to help the students with their work and an extra big thank you to the parents who came and helped set up the showcase.