Year 5/6 Report

Over the past few weeks the 5/6 classes have been taking part in Bike Education lessons and graduation practise, between recess and lunch on Fridays. The Year 5 students have been developing their safe riding skills, which is building towards a ride along the Maribyrnong Bike Trail later on in the term. While the Year 6 students have been working hard in preparing for their graduation evening and performance which is taking place in Week 11.
Recently the 5/6 students took their Inquiry and Maths learning outside to identify and measure planet distances from the sun (to scale of course!). The students calculated each of the planets’ diameters and distances from the sun by using a maths equation. After finding objects in the classroom to represent each planet, we then measured how far each planet is located from the sun and modelled their orbits across the netball courts. It was a fun and interesting afternoon that sparked great discussions and realisations about our immense Solar System!