Assistant Principal News

Message from Miharu Morioka


Welcome back, everyone! I hope our students and families have had a restful break and ready for another exciting term with lots of events, including the School Production. Coming back from the holidays and starting a new term is always exciting, but it’s quite common for some students to feel anxious getting back to the school routine, away from the comfort of home. If this is something that your child is experiencing, it might be helpful for them to know that they are not the only one and it’s okay to feel like that. We are here to support, so please let us know if your child is facing a challenge to settle back to the school routine. 




Snapshots from our classrooms


In Japan, we celebrate the Star Festival (Tanabata) on the 7th of July each year. Families have a big bamboo brunch at home and decorate it with paper lanterns, stars and tanzaku which is a paper strip on which people can write their wishes. When I visited the Y1/2 classrooms on Monday, they were making beautiful lanterns with papers as a part of the Star Festival activity. Look at those beautiful lanterns, so colourful and beautiful! 




Year 5/6 students have been working on another project to demonstrate their leadership at our school. They are revising the playground rules to promote and maintain a safe environment for all our students. Students have brainstormed their ideas, using their past experience and knowledge, sharing them with their peers by posting them on Padlet. They then presented their draft ideas to Mr Strain and myself to seek some feedback from us. We were both impressed with the depth of their thinking and we are looking forward to seeing how their work will further develop over the next week or so. Great work, Y5/6s!
