Junior School, Brooklyn Park
The Gold Rush in Year 5/6
In our Year 5/6 classes this term we have been exploring the Australian Gold Rush. Our students have been immersed in the history of this significant event through class discussions, group work and lots of hands-on learning. During the first few weeks, we talked about what the element of gold actually is, where it came from and what makes it so valuable? The students showed a lot of enthusiasm towards this, which created rich classroom discussions around what gold is used for now and how malleable and versatile it is. We also discovered that gold can be found in our earth’s crust and was actually formed in the stars.
We then ventured 'back in time' to explore what life in the gold fields was actually like on a realistic level. How many people quit their jobs to pursue a life of digging and mining despite not being guaranteed striking gold? A cohort favourite was going down to the sandpit with some sieves and students had to ‘pan’ for plastic gold coins. We had conversations around how it felt finding gold versus not finding anything. For most people, they may have spent months panning for gold only to leave empty handed.
For the remainder of this term, the students are creating their own project to demonstrate their knowledge of the gold rush. Some students have chosen to make a board game, showcasing information in a creative way. We are looking forward to these creative displays and imaginative ideas as we continue exploring the Australian Gold Rush in Year 5/6.
Kimberlee Gurren
Junior School Teacher
End of Semester Awards
To be able to receive an award is an important achievement and needs to be acknowledged as such. It is also important to ensure that they are well-deserved and the specified criteria is clearly met. A part of developing resilience and a healthy attitude towards achievement means ensuring that we have emotional rigour around achieving awards. Not every child will receive an award during their schooling. That is to be expected and it is OK.
As a staff, we have reviewed our awards, and decided that at the end of Semester One we will award two Citizenship Awards for each class. This certificate is awarded in demonstrating a servant heart and being a positive role model during the semester.
At the end of the year, there are additional awards for consistent improvement in work effort and merit certificates for effort and diligence throughout the year. Year 6 students have additional awards which are recognised at their Year 6 graduation.
End of Semester One Awards are recognised at our Week 10 Assembly. Junior School Assemblies are held in Adelaide West Uniting Church on a Monday at 9am. Parents are always welcome. If your child is receiving a Citizenship Award you will receive a special invitation to that assembly.
Marni Greenwood
Head of Junior School, Brooklyn Park
Emmaus families are invited to attend the Middle/Senior School Principal's Tour
Wednesday 23 August 2023, 9am - 11am
South Plympton Campus
Junior School families, (parents and their Emmaus children) are invited to attend the Term 3 Principal's Tour of our Middle and Senior School at South Plympton.
This is a fantastic opportunity to gain a sneak preview into all you'll have to look forward to in the secondary years at Emmaus and discover the variety of learning experiences and curriculum on offer. You'll also meet key leadership staff, and take a quick tour of the many many learning spaces.
All graduating Year 6 students from Brooklyn Park and South Plympton have guaranteed entry into Year 7 in our Middle School.