Junior School, South Plympton

Lunchtime Clubs 

We are so excited that lunchtime clubs are well underway in the Junior School. Lunchtime clubs offer invaluable benefits that extend beyond the school yard for all our participating children. These clubs provide a unique platform for students to explore their interests, develop new skills, and foster social connections in a relaxed and inclusive environment.


Various clubs offer the opportunity for children to discover and nurture their passions. Whether it's a science club, art club or sports club, these extracurricular activities allow children to delve deeper into subjects they enjoy. Engaging in activities outside of regular curriculum not only enhances their knowledge but also promotes creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. By actively participating in these clubs, children can uncover hidden talents, boost self-confidence, and gain a sense of accomplishment.


We have a variety of clubs throughout the week that are run by Year 5/6 students, under the supervision of teachers. This is an excellent opportunity for the leaders of our Junior School to volunteer their skills to plan, implement and run fun clubs for our younger learners. The relationships formed with students of varying ages have enormous value and it has been a joy to witness the passion, enthusiasm and friendships shared during lunchtime. 


If your child hasn’t tried a club yet, we encourage them to think about the options available and make the courageous decision to join in! 

Morgan Venter

Junior School Pastoral Coordinator


The Junior School students at South Plympton have been working through their gymnastics unit. As a culmination of their unit, they were tasked with creating a gymnastics routine. Students were to draw and write the elements of their routine, memorise them, and then perform these routines in front of the class. They were filmed for assessment purposes. We are pleased to share the following videos of a Year 3/4 and a Year 1/2 routine.  



Jodie Stewart

Health and Physical Education Teacher

End of Semester Awards 

To be able to receive an award is an important achievement and needs to be acknowledged as such. It is also important to ensure that they are well deserved and the specified criteria is clearly met. A part of developing resilience and a healthy attitude towards achievement means ensuring that we have rigour around achieving awards. Not every child will receive an award during their schooling. That is to be expected and it is OK.  


As a staff, we have reviewed our awards, and decided that at the end of Semester One we will award two Citizenship Awards for each class. This certificate is awarded in demonstrating a servant heart and being a positive role model during the semester. 


At the end of the year, there are additional awards for consistent improvement in work effort and merit certificates for effort and diligence throughout the year. Year 6 students have additional awards which are recognised at their Year 6 graduation. 


End of Semester One Awards are recognised at our Week 10 Assembly. Junior School Assemblies are held in EPAC on a Monday at 12:50pm. Parents are always welcome. If your child is receiving a Citizenship Award you will receive a special invitation to that assembly. 


Liz Hinrichsen

Head of Junior School, South Plympton

Emmaus families are invited to attend the Middle/Senior School Principal's Tour

Wednesday 23 August 2023, 9am - 11am

South Plympton Campus


Junior School families, (parents and their Emmaus children) are invited to attend the Term 3 Principal's Tour of our Middle and Senior School at South Plympton. 


This is a fantastic opportunity to gain a sneak preview into all you'll have to look forward to in the secondary years at Emmaus and discover the variety of learning experiences and curriculum on offer. You'll also meet key leadership staff, and take a quick tour of the many many learning spaces. 


All graduating Year 6 students from Brooklyn Park and South Plympton have guaranteed entry into Year 7 in our Middle School.