
Earlier this term Belvoir Theatre visited the College to work with our students in a variety of workshops focused on the units of work they are studying. Year 8 students who are considering Drama as a subject in 2024 also had the opportunity to attend this workshop. It was wonderful to see students engaging with a professional practitioner currently working in theatre, planning and directing performances in Sydney.
Year 9 Drama students have studied Matt Cameron’s Ruby Moon this term as part of a Elements of Production study. After reading and performing the play, students selected set, costume or poster promotion as a PIP to develop based on their own production of the play.
Year 10 have completed their study of Theatre of the Absurd with a scripted performance of an Absurd piece of theatre.
This term Year 11 have been studying a Drama unit that explores theatrical traditions and performance styles. Students have discovered the various methods of famous practitioners including Stanislavski and Bertolt Brecht. They have experimented with developing realistic, believable characters as well as breaking the rules of traditional theatre; in an attempt to leave an audience questioning their experience.
Year 11 Drama have been exploring the idea that anyone’s opinion can be challenged with the power of theatre, and that it can be used as a tool to bring attention to modern day politics and news.
‘What is the robbing of a bank compared to the founding of a bank?’- Bertolt Brecht
Year 12 students are working towards the completion of their individual major work in preparation for the HSC period next term. The range of projects include; performance, costume design and a director’s portfolio and will be presented before a panel of markers.
Students have also been simultaneously creating their group performance pieces, a series of original productions ranging between 8-12 minutes. A showcase of Year 12’s work will be held towards the end of next term.