Visual Arts / Photography

Throughout Term 2, Year 7 have worked hard creating Steampunk sculptures. Students experimented and used a range of materials and processes. There have been many unique sculptures and students enjoyed the challenge.
Year 8 Visual Art students have explored the Still Life genre during Term 2. Students have created still life artworks that represent their identity. Students developed skills in photo editing, animation and the lino printing process.
Year 9 Visual Arts students are currently creating their own body of work which is focused on the theme of power and politics. Students began exploring themes of our contemporary society and decided on specific aspects of power and politics to explore. Most students developed their representation, using a range of materials and techniques. Year 9 also engaged in researching and responding to a selection of artists in which they explored their practice and applied the concepts of art.
Year 9 Artists Practice students were engaged in the Real Project in first term and are now exploring their own practice and developing ways in which to create a body of work. Students are exploring and experimenting with a range of techniques and materials and will be exhibiting their works in the Resource Centre in the near future.
Year 10 Visual Arts students have explored the human figure throughout time. The way the figure was represented in Egyptian, Greek and Roman art was researched and students created sculptures based on the human form using materials including clay, wire and paper mache.
Year 11 Visual Arts students have engaged in exploring the notion of Contemporary Art, contemporary issues and artmaking practices which focus on current concepts. Students have also engaged in compiling an in in-depth study exploring an artist which have links to their own artmaking practice.
Year 12 are nearing the end of Term 2, and there is much to do over the following few weeks. Students have continued their artist studies and composed reports which explore artists of choice. They are also very excited to be hosting an exhibition of their works in progress along with those students who are studying Design and Technology. The exhibition will be open from 9:00am to 5:00pm Wednesday and Thursday of Week 9 and presents as a great opportunity to gather some informed feedback.