The Troubie Theatre visited the College early in the term presenting two performances for our Year 9 History students. Troubie Theatre is a one-man melodrama incorporating the songs, poems, letters and anecdotes of both World War I and World War II. Students were presented with an emotional account of the events of the war.
On Monday 8 May 2023 our Year 9 HSIE classes visited both the Australian War Memorial and the National Museum of Australia in Canberra as part of their “Australians at War” unit of work. Students have been investigating the campaigns of World War 1 and this field work consolidated their class work.
Students wrote a short account:
“Year 9 History attended an excursion in Week 3 to Canberra to visit the Australian War Memorial and National Museum of Australia for a day. We focused on Australia’s key events in history and, in particular, World War 1 and our country's involvement.
The most informative aspects of the excursion included the viewing of artifacts in the museum and trying to link them to significant events in Australia’s history. Another interesting thing was The Byzantine dome in the War Memorial with its stunning stained glass windows and mosaic roof. This excursion helped to widen our understanding of World War 1 and connect all different topics we have learnt about so far.” By Evie Mugavin
"I enjoyed going to the War Memorial as I've never been there before. It was cool to see everything come to life and all the artefacts from the time. I loved seeing all the poppies on the wall, it is incredible how that was every person that went to war for our country. I also enjoyed going to the museum and learning about new things."
By Sarah Cowell
"I personally enjoyed the excursion, it was great fun. I loved it when we got to see the National Museum of Australia that had all the cultural items, many which were from my culture. It was also really amazing and lovely to see someone else's story and about their life. When we went to the Australian War Memorial I loved how they have all of the names of the people that went to war and when we went to see the tomb of the unknown soldier, one soldier that represents all of them."
By Anna-Rose Johnson-Tanson
"Firstly we went to the Australian War Memorial and saw some people that served in our country and fought for it. We also saw at the Memorial lots of war artefacts and all of the soldiers who had served names. After that we went to the National Museum and saw all of the different inventions and stuff that created Australia."
By Daniel Blanche
The $20 Boss program is a nationwide, in-school entrepreneurship program focuses on the development of enterprise skills such as financial capability and problem-solving in young people. It is committed to preparing them for their future work.
The program − which gives students $20 in start-up capital to create, launch and operate a business venture over the course of a school term − is about putting enterprise skills at the forefront of learning.
We look forward to running our enterprise stalls in Term 3.
Year 11 Legal Studies recently spent the day at the Wagga Courthouse observing the Local Court in action which was presided over by Magistrate Hoskings. Students observed a range of matters including sentencing and bail applications.
The excursion enabled students to gain a greater understanding of court procedures, the various roles people play in court, how it attempts to divert people away from the system and the complexities of the sentencing process.
Magistrate Hosking took the time to explain a number of aspects of the process to the students throughout the day which was greatly appreciated. Students also enjoyed a class lunch together at Melba's Café whilst the court was in recess for lunch.
Observation of the court system in operation is an invaluable experience for all Legal Studies students.
On Thursday 15 June, Year 8 visited Altina Wildlife Park in Darlington Point as part of their study of the Interconnections unit in Geography.
Mr Rod Buik | HSIE KLA Leader