Principal's Address

While I thoroughly enjoyed my six weeks of Long Service Leave, I am very pleased to be back amongst our wonderful students and staff as Term 2 comes to a close. Mater Dei is such a special learning community! I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr Daryl Lawrence for his leadership of the College in my absence and Ms Mel Cramp for her contribution as Acting Assistant Principal. Thank you to Mrs Bianca Munro who was Acting Leader of Students and Mrs Rebecca Robins, who replaced Mrs Munro as Leader of Pedagogy and Data.
During this latter part of the term we have Mrs Courtney Freebody replacing Mr Fitzpatrick as Leader of Curriculum and I thank her for her contribution to College leadership in this role. Thank you also to Ms Tess Lawrence who is Acting in the role of Leader of Digital Technology and STEM during this time.
As Term 2 comes to a close, Semester Reports in the form of a Grade Release and a summary of each student’s Learning Habits, are being finalised. At Mater Dei, the provision of feedback to students and parents on an ongoing basis through Canvas means that those Reports are just a summary of the detailed information about learning achievements and outcomes that has been shared over the past twenty weeks. I again remind parents of the value in them drilling down into that real time feedback, so that they are active participants in their children’s learning journey.
Our students have had so many wonderful opportunities to engage in College life during the term. During these last weeks, highlights include STEAM Week, the Inquisitive Minds Workshop, the John Vrolyks Basketball Grand Final last Monday and a number of sporting events, the exhibition of Year 12 Design and Technology and Visual Arts works, MaterVision and Beanies for Brain Cancer Day.
Plans to introduce the optional uniform items finally came to fruition at the beginning of the term. I was excited to see students wearing some of the items on my return to the College and a number of girls who took up the option of grey trousers have said that they are both comfortable and warm.
At this time of the year, there is a focus on planning for the following school year. Staffing needs are being explored and student leadership roles considered. The Student Leadership 2024 launch next Tuesday morning is an excellent opportunity for the current Year 11 cohort to learn more about the concept of leadership in a Catholic school.
After their Reflection Day on Monday, they will gather to engage in a Leadership Program, inviting each student to consider the qualities of leadership and to reflect upon the reality that they will be student leaders at Mater Dei in a little over a term. Leadership is hard to define, but effective leadership is easy to see! Leading is not the same as Managing. Events and activities are managed but people are led. Therefore, leadership is about relationships, about empowering others, about developing the team and being able to say together “We did it!” As our Year 11 students reflect upon the contribution that they are called to make to our College community, we pray:
Lord God, you call us to life in all its fullness,
following the path set out by Jesus your Son.
As we reflect on his leadership as Servant,
we ask you to deepen our desire to imitate his example.
May we use the gifts you have given us as a faithful
reflection of his presence at work in our lives.
We make this prayer to you through Christ, our Lord. Amen
As one year group prepares to be the student leaders for next year, our graduating class is preparing for their Trial HSC Examinations early next term and Year 10 are looking ahead to 2024 as they consider their course options for Year 11. Their subject selection process will be undertaken early next term.
Celebrated last Friday, The Feast of the Sacred Heart is a very significant day in the life of our College and in Sacred Heart Parish Kooringal. This year, the Parish community gathered after Sunday Mass for a sumptuous morning tea and an opportunity to reflect on Parish life.
At this time we remember with gratitude our beloved Fr Wilf Plunkett, whose funeral took place on this special Feast Day in 2020. His life and service epitomised all that the Sacred Heart represents. We also take time to acknowledge and give thanks for the Clergy, Religious and Laity who have devotedly served the Church over many years and those who continue in this important work today.
This spirit is captured in the Sacred Heart Parish Prayer:
We come together as Kooringal Parish under the patronage of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
We pray together with love and trust in the Sacred Heart.
May we listen to and understand Jesus' voice.
May the Holy Spirit give us strength and courage so that we can be as loving and outgoing as His heart.
We pray this and all our prayers through Christ our Lord.
The 2023 National NAIDOC Week, which will be celebrated from 2 July to 9 July in the holidays, has as its theme For Our Elders.
It recognises that across every generation, Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in communities and families. They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and our loved ones.
The theme acknowledges the love and guidance that Elders give to their families and communities who draw strength from their knowledge and experience, in everything from land management, cultural knowledge to justice and human rights. The theme also acknowledges the struggles of our Elders in moving their communities forward today. It is their influence and through their learnings that their knowledge and experience must be carried forward.
We look forward to celebrating NAIDOC Week early in Term 3 at the College.
Parents/carers of students in Year 7 and Year 11 in 2024 are reminded that applications for the following scholarships and bursaries are now open and close on Wednesday 9 August:
1. Academic Scholarship for two Year 7 students in 2024 at 50% reduction in fees. This will apply for 4 years.
2. Music Scholarship for one student from Year 7 at 50% reduction in fees. This will apply for 2 years.
3. Academic Scholarship for two Year 11 students in 2024 at 50% reduction in fees. This will apply for 2 years.
4. Pauline O’Brien Bursary for one student in Year 7 2024 based on the Bursary criteria.
5. Mater Dei Catholic College Bursary for one current student in 2024 based on the Bursary criteria.
Details of all scholarships and bursaries are available on the College website in the Scholarships and Bursaries sections of the Enrolment page.
This is our final newsletter for Term 2 and I wish our students and their families a relaxing and renewing holiday break. This term concludes on Friday, 30 June and Term 3 commences for all students on Monday, 14 July.
Best wishes,
Mrs Val Thomas | Principal