Year 1 Unit

Dear all Year One students and families,

We would like to welcome you all back to school and hope you have enjoyed some rest and special relaxation time!


Firstly, the ‘Show and Tell’ timetable and focus will be sent home soon, watch this space! We look forward to enjoying these special presentations and seeing the students shine. Secondly, all the information regarding the term and learning ahead will be sent via Compass once finalised.


A special request for those students that like to get the most out of outdoor playtime, is to please bring a spare change of clothes to school. The playground is quite wet and muddy at the moment, which is being brought into the classrooms and rubbed into the carpets … and accidents do happen! 


A reminder to all that the WPS lapathon is on Wednesday 9th August. Please keep an eye out for further information about this event in the coming weeks. Please remind students to dress accordingly for the Woodend Winter!


Smile Squad is coming to WPS!

The Smile Squad team from Dental Health Services Victoria are coming to our school Mon 17/7/23 - Fri 4/8/23. Smile Squad is the Victorian Government’s free school dental program. This means all students can get free dental check-ups, preventive services, and treatment at school. Sign up to Smile Squad at: Please complete and submit the consent form ASAP!


Number Crash!


2 dice, pencil & paper



Each player rolls 2 six-sided dice and writes the total on a piece of paper. Add the 2 numbers together to find the total amount remembering to practice counting on from the biggest number - ‘think big’ and ‘count small’! The player with the greatest number is the winner!



Race to 20; race to roll doubles; make the smallest/largest 2-digit number; use 3 die.


Stay warm!

Year 1 Teachers

Danielle Dawes, Zoe Sutherland, Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont