General School Information 

St Kilian’s School Community are looking for families, staff and the wider community to support a Casserole Drive for St Joseph’s Rochester.  Please deliver on or prior to Thursday 22nd June.  If required foil trays will be available at the school office.




We advise there has been a reported case of Hand, Foot & Mouth disease in the school community.  For your information please note the following


What is hand, foot and mouth disease?

Hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) is caused by a virus. It causes blisters on the hands, feet, and in the mouth. It is generally a mild disease that lasts 7 to 10 days.


Spread of hand, foot and mouth disease

This infection is spread by direct contact with fluid from the skin blisters, nose and throat discharges (including saliva, sputum or nasal mucus), droplets (sneezing, coughing) and faeces. Good personal hygiene is important to prevent spread of the infection to others.

The skin blisters of HFMD are infectious until they become crusty and there is no fluid in the blisters. 


Symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease

People usually develop symptoms between 3 to 7 days after being infected.

The most common symptoms include:

  • fever
  • sore throat
  • small, blister-like lesions that may occur on the inside of the mouth, sides of the tongue, palms of the hands, fingers, soles of the feet and ‘nappy’ area
  • children are often irritable, tired, and may be off their food.

Treatment for hand, foot and mouth disease

HFMD is a mild illness that resolves within a week. There is no specific treatment and usually none is required.

  • Use paracetamol (not aspirin) as directed for fever and any discomfort and offer plenty of fluids.
  • Allow blisters to dry naturally. Do not pierce blisters, as the fluid within them is infectious.
  • If a child with HFMD complains of severe headache, if fever persists, or if there are any worrying symptoms, consult your doctor immediately.

Prevention of hand, foot and mouth disease

Good personal hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of HFMD to others, both for those infected and their carers:

  • Wash hands carefully with soap and water after contact with the blister-like lesions, after handling nose and throat discharges, and after contact with faeces.
  • Use separate eating and drinking utensils.
  • Avoid sharing items of personal hygiene (such as towels, washers and toothbrushes) and clothing (particularly shoes and socks).
  • Thoroughly wash and clean any soiled clothing and surfaces or toys that may have been contaminated.

Children with HFMD should be excluded from school until all of the blisters have dried. To assist in prevention of spread, parents should report the illness to the school principal.