Connect: Year 1

Welcome back to Term Three! We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable holiday. The Year 1's are all off to a fantastic start and settling in well. We have an exciting term in store with a lot planned.


Jennifer Kelly, Michelle Hammill, Shanae French and Fiona Torrington

Key dates 

Friday 21st JulyMND PJ and beanie day. (Gold coin donation)
Tuesday 25th JulyHot chip lunch
Thursday 27th JulyRespectful Relationships open afternoon 2:15pm
Friday 28th JulyWhole school tree planting day


  • Mondays: Cheese toasties are sold at recess for $2
  • Tuesdays: Popcorn is sold at recess for $1
  • Swimming will be Week 7 (21st August to 24th August) for 1A.    
  • Swimming will be Week 8 (28th August to 31st August) for classes 1B, 1C, 1D. 
  • Students can log into Reading Eggs at home. This is a great resource for them to practice their phonics and explore the many books available. 

The Next Fortnight of Learning


We are starting Literacy this term by exploring our mentor text 'The Fearsome Frightening Ferocious Box'. Students are making predictions, and developing text to self connections. Looking at the illustrations as inspiration students will also use adjectives and alliteration to describe animals in the book, evoking emotions in the reader. 

Our phonics focus for the first week has been long 'oo' as in boo the goose and short 'oo' as in oops! The phonics focus over the next two weeks are 'le' as in a little poodle, 'ow' as in brown cow and 'ou' as in ouch.  We will continue to review the sounds taught in Term One and Two. 




In Maths we are starting the term learning some strategies for addition and subtraction including using number lines, how to use concrete items such as Unifix more efficiently and how to record their thinking. Each week we have an open-ended problem for them to solve where they can draw upon their skills and learn how to explain their reasoning using mathematical vocabulary. We love to see how differently they solve everyday maths.



The focus for our inquiry unit this term is Materials that Change Shape. Students will investigate a range of materials determining their physical properties and how these can be used in everyday situations. Student's will also consider the actions of bending, stretching, twisting, rolling and squeezing.   



Our Term 2 topic for Resilience Rights and Respectful Relationships is Positive Coping. Throughout the term students will engage in activities that assist them to reflect on their emotional responses, describe ways to express emotions in a healthy manner and practice techniques to deal with feelings of fear, frustration and anger. Learning a range of positive coping skills will enable students to better navigate future changes and challenges. 

Professor Bunsen

Professor Bunsen was a huge hit! Student's were delighted to engage in a range of experiments. Take a look at some of the fun below.