Assistant Principal News

Sub School News                                                  


Welcome back everyone to Term Three. We hope you all had a restful break and managed to stay dry and warm over the winter holidays. Students have settled back into class routines in preparation for a busy term ahead. Our Foundation students had a wonderful party last week to celebrate Milo’s birthday, select 5/6 girls participated in a footy day, where they played several games against local schools, and the whole school has been working on mindful meditation after each recess and lunch break. Even Poppy, our therapy dog, was getting involved and laying down on the floor with the whole class!

There are parent teacher interviews coming up this week, please log into Sentral and book appointment times with your child’s classroom teacher, and specialist teacher, if you would like.


  Sharleen Nason

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                         F-2 Sub School and Specialists


Jacqui Sampson

                                                                    Assistant Principal

                                                                       3-6 Sub School