Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,


As another school term draws to a close, I would like to commend our students for their hard work and continued efforts to improve all aspects of their learning. At the end of the week the Semester One reports will be made available to parents. I would encourage all parents to acknowledge and celebrate your child's achievements by finding time to read and discuss their semester report. EVERY child has the potential to improve so it is extremely important to acknowledge their successes, not just the next step in learning.


Our school focus is always on improving student outcomes and I can confidently say, based on our observations and various assessments, that all students at Holy Trinity and St Mary’s are provided with every opportunity to learn, grow and to reach their full potential. I would also like to equally commend our hard working staff; school leaders, classroom teachers, classroom support and administration staff, for their commitment to ongoing professional learning for the benefit of our students. As Principal I am particularly grateful for the dedication of our staff to their profession and incredibly proud of our students and their many achievements. 


As I've mentioned on several occasions, school holidays are a wonderful opportunity to

recharge the batteries to be further energised for the term ahead. But more importantly, the holiday break provides the opportunity for families to reconnect and spend some valuable time together. We understand that for many of our parents the next two weeks are business as usual in regards to their work, but I encourage you to find some time to be `present’ with your child. As a parent of three children, I fully appreciate the busy demands of work, school and recreational activities, and how one week can blend into the next. To be `present’ with your child requires your full attention, free from the distraction of household chores, emails and social media. I encourage you to find some time to play a game, go for a walk or a special outing together. Enjoy the company of one another and recognise the importance of the parent and child relationship, particularly in these formative years.


Term Three promises to be `action packed’ with more learning opportunities. Our major focus will be our School Production on Thursday 17th August, with a particular emphasis on the Performing Arts Curriculum. 


Tickets for the School Production will be available for purchase via TryBooking from Sunday 16th July.  Please see further on in the newsletter for more details.


In addition to our School Production, many of our Year 6 students will prepare to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation on Thursday 20th July. There are also excursions, incursions and sporting events on the calendar too!

First Eucharist - congratulations!

This coming weekend is the final weekend for the celebration of First Eucharist for 2023, with 9 HT students prepared to receive their First Holy Communion. Please keep these Year Four students in your prayers. I would also like to congratulate the students who have received their First Eucharist during the month of June. We pray that they continue to be nourished by the Eucharist in their ongoing journey of faith.

Semester One Reports

Semester One reports will be available on Friday 23rd June via the nForma portal. Mr Shannon Mullavey, our Digital Technologies Leader, has provided instructions via Operoo on how to access your account for both new and current users.

You can also access this information via the following link: Semester One Reports Letter

End of School Term - 1 pm finish

The school day will finish at 1pm on the last day of each school term to provide Time in Lieu for staff, as communicated via the school newsletter. We acknowledge the early finish time does impact some families so we  will therefore offer supervision of students until 3.30pm if required. Please  indicate below if your child needs to remain at school following the 1pm finish time.

If you have more than one child please provide the name of each child below.

Please only complete this form if your child will not be collected from school at 1pm on Friday 23rd June.  

Supervision required - Friday 23rd June


We will conclude the term with an assembly at 12.30pm to announce the TORCH Bearer of the Term Awards at 12.30pm. Parents are most welcome to attend.

Parent / Teacher Interviews

As part of the reporting process we also invite parents to attend a Parent Teacher Interview following receipt of the school report. At Holy Trinity we encourage students to also attend this meeting to support a learning conversation that involves affirmation for student progress and `next steps’ for learning. The Parent Teacher Interviews usually occur at the end of Term Two. However, due to the shorter length of this term (less than 9 weeks), these interviews will take place in the first week of Term Three as follows:


Tuesday 11th July - 4pm - 6pm

Thursday 13th July - 1.30pm - 7.30pm 

(students finish school at 1pm on this day)


To facilitate the 1.30pm start for interviews on Thursday 13th July, school will conclude at 1pm on this day. The school will supervise students who require supervision until 3.30pm.

If your child requires supervision please indicate on the following link.

Supervision Required on Thursday 13th July 2023


We will continue to offer both onsite and online meetings to meet the needs of all families. We will allow 15 minutes for these meetings.  An Operoo email will be sent out today with a link to our online booking system for Parent / Teacher Interviews.

Save the Date - Grandparents Afternoon

Grand parents are warmly welcome to join their grandchildren at school on Friday the 4th of August in the afternoon.  More details to follow next term.

Working Bee -  Sunday 23rd July 9am-12pm

Thank you to the 25 families who completed the survey in regards to attending Working Bees. There was mixed feedback from the parent survey in regards to Working Bees, with the most attractive option being the twilight timeslot (daylight savings), with Sunday morning preferable over Saturday morning. A number of parents cited competing priorities, particularly children’s sport, while others indicated they wouldn't attend a working bee at all.


Following this feedback we will proceed with a Working Bee on Sunday 23rd July 9-12pm. Please complete the Google Form indicating your attendance if available. 

Working Bee #2 - RSVP

School Fee Statements

Statements were issued to all families on 16/6/2023.  If you have not received a statement via email please contact the office immediately.


As we are nearing the end of Term 2 and the end of June, we would appreciate if a portion of your fees have been paid by the end of Term 2. A reminder to families that fees are due in full by the end of Term 3.  Please disregard if you have a direct debit or prior  arrangements have been made. 

Any further queries please do not hesitate to contact Lorelle Clark in the office.

School Blog

Our students are responsible for a lot of the School Blog content, so please take some time to appreciate their posts. It is also a great way to find out about school events such as Camp, Production, Sports Events, the Arts …. And much more!



Warm Regards,


Adrian Scutt


Time to eXcel