From the Principal's Desk

NAIDOC Week 2023

This week, our school is celebrating National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) Week.  This is a little earlier than usual as the official week falls during the school holidays.  As part of our celebrations, we held an activities day yesterday where students were provided with a range of cultural/arts workshops throughout the day.

Spelling Bee

Today, we held our own school "Spelling Bee". Students in Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) or Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6) were offered the opportunity to compete against their stage students. 


Congratulations to our winners who will now compete at the regional knockout early next term:


Stage 2 Winner: Anna (Year 4)

Stage 3 Winner:  Cailey (Year 5)

Semester One Reports

Students will take home their Semester One reports this afternoon in a sealed envelope. Our reports have been created using a new system called SENTRAL.  We hope you enjoy the new format!  As always, if you have any questions about your child's report, please contact their teacher.  Can I thank our teachers for their hard work in creating reports for their students.  Congratulations also to every student on their achievements so far this year.  It is always wonderful to read and hear about our students learning and achieving great results. 

Assembly Tomorrow

Please consider joining us for our assembly tomorrow afternoon from 2:15pm. We will be presenting awards and short items as well as our class ensemble groups.

Pyjama/Movie Day Friday

We invite students and staff to come to school dressed in their pyjamas on Friday for the last day of term.  After morning lessons, our students will watch a movie with popcorn and have a free BBQ lunch provided by the P&C.  There is no cost for the day.

Sydney Excursion

Just a reminder to our Upper Division families that payments are required for students attending the Sydney excursion. Thank you to those families who are making regular payments to keep on top of the costs involved.  


Please see below the suggested payment plan.


An Evening With ACOS Tickets On Sale Now

Tickets to attend the upcoming performance An Evening with ACOS are now available.


The event will be held on Thursday 10 August from 6pm at Armidale Secondary College.


All students will be offered a seat at the final dress rehearsal the day before, so there is no need to purchase tickets for students unless they wish to attend the night time production.


Please use the QR code or the following link:


Please note: Once all tickets are sold, there will be no more offered.


If you have any questions, please contact us at the school. 

Can anyone look after our school chickens for the holidays?

Our 6 school chickens need a break from school over the holidays. Respite we call it! 😄

Do you have a safe, caged area for them? Are you able to help us by collecting them and keeping them safe during the 2 week school holidays?


The school will provide a large bag of chicken feed for you and you can keep the eggs.

Please contact us at the school if you are able to help. Thanks!

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year. 


The NCCD is a collection that counts: 

• the number of school students receiving an adjustment or ‘help’ due to disability 

• the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students. 


The information collected by the NCCD helps teachers, principals, education authorities and governments to better support students with disability at school.


Please see information and fact sheet below or contact me at the school if you have any further questions.

PSSA Zone Athletics

Just a reminder to those students who qualified for the PSSA Zone Athletics Carnival, this will be held on Friday 28 July, the second Friday back in Term 3.  Well done again on those students who have reached this level!

Returning to School for Term 3

The first day of Term 3 is Monday 17 July and is a staff development day.  This day is for staff only. Students are not to attend school on this day. 


Students commence school for Term 3 the next day, on Tuesday 18 July.

Happy Holidays

As we move towards the end of Term 2, can I thank you all for your hard work in what has been another busy time at our school. From cross country, athletics, eisteddfods, STEM days, National Simultaneous Story Time, a book fair, art camps, NAIDOC Week, Spelling Bees, etc... we certainly provide wonderful opportunities for our students, in amongst of course, quality teaching and learning programs in our classrooms.  Thanks to our dynamic teachers and support staff for providing such enriching programs! 


I trust you all will have a safe and restful winter break and we look forward to seeing you all again for the start of Term 3. 


Brad Hunt
